Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant
Welcome to Bir X Medical in Istanbul
Learn with us about hair transplantation for men and women, in addition to beard, mustache, and eyebrow transplantation.
We guarantee that you will get the best results due to the availability of the latest medical technologies, and the presence of a long-experienced medical staff qualified to perform this operation for various cases and at the best prices.
Hair transplant techniques at Bir X Medical
FUE hair transplantation:
FUE technique is an abbreviation for Follicular Unit Extraction. This technique works to remove hair from the back area of the head, or as it is called the “donor area”, and transplant it in areas suffering from hair loss.
A small needle is used to remove hair from the back area, then the area to be transplanted is anesthetized.
After anesthesia, the holes into which the transplant will take place are determined to obtain a consistent and distributed hair density, and then each hair is transplanted into these holes.
Candidates for FUE:
- The quality of the donor area is sufficient to take hair from without being affected
- People who suffer from baldness or hair loss and hair loss
- Do not use any medications that cause hair loss.
- Scalp health
- No chronic diseases
DHI Hair transplantation:
The DHI technique is an abbreviation for Direct Hair Implantation and is one of the modern techniques in the field of hair transplantation, and a device called the “CHOI Pen” is used. This device inserts the hair taken from the donor area directly into the scalp without making small incisions like the FUE technique.
This technique is characterized by transplanting a large number of hair in less time, with fewer surgical interventions, in addition to distributing the hair in a more attractive and dense way.
Candidates for DHI:
- The quality of the donor area is sufficient to take hair from without being affected.
- People who suffer from baldness or hair loss and hair loss
- Do not use any medications that cause hair loss.
- Scalp health
Sapphire FUE Hair transplantation:
The Ambassador Pen technique is one of the modern, effective, and easy techniques used in hair transplantation.
A small pen-like instrument is used to remove hair from the donor area and transplant it to the area suffering from hair loss individually.
This technique is characterized by its ability to transplant the largest number of hairs in just one session. It is characterized by less pain, quick recovery, and natural and intense results.
Candidates for Sapphire FUE:
- Cases of severe hair loss
- Do not use any medications that cause hair loss.
- Scalp health
- No chronic diseases
Beard and mustache transplantation:
This process takes place within 4-6 hours, and uses the Micrografting technique, where some hair follicles are taken from the head or chest area after the doctor makes sure that the characteristics of the hair in these areas match the characteristics of the hair on the head, in order to obtain a natural, dense shape. And consistent. After hair removal, the area where the transplant will be done, whether it is the beard or mustache, is anesthetized and the transplantation process begins.
Hair transplant for women
Hair transplantation for women is performed with the same techniques used for men, but there are some differences that must be taken into account:
- Hair density: Women need a higher hair density because women need more hair, and because women’s hair is thin, the need to transplant a larger amount increases.
- Hormones: Hair growth for women is affected by female hormone levels, so this difference must be taken into account.
Techniques used for women:
FUE technique:
This technique is suitable for women as it is effective, non-surgical, and does not leave scars.
But it requires shaving the head before transplantation, which is difficult for some women. -
DHI technology:
Women prefer this technique because it does not require shaving, and because of the use of the “CHIO Pen,” which transplants hair follicles individually. -
Eyebrow transplantation
Eyebrow hair transplantation is done by taking some follicles from a specific area of the body and transplanting them into the eyebrows.
The DHI technique is usually used for eyebrow transplantation and is performed individually, accurately, and safely.
Women prefer this transplant because of its natural results, which make the eyebrows look more beautiful and thicker, which reflects the beauty of the face.
Women candidates for hair transplantation
- Cases of hereditary hair loss
- Cases of hair loss resulting from chemotherapy for cancer.
- Cases of hair loss resulting from skin infections such as psoriasis.
- Cases of hair loss due to anxiety or depression.
- Cases of hair loss resulting from hormonal changes in the body, such as after childbirth.
Techniques used for women:
FUE technique:
This technique is suitable for women as it is effective, non-surgical, and does not leave scars.
But it requires shaving the head before transplantation, which is difficult for some women. -
DHI technology:
Women prefer this technique because it does not require shaving, and because of the use of the “CHIO Pen,” which transplants hair follicles individually. -
Eyebrow transplantation
Eyebrow hair transplantation is done by taking some follicles from a specific area of the body and transplanting them into the eyebrows.
The DHI technique is usually used for eyebrow transplantation and is performed individually, accurately, and safely.
Women prefer this transplant because of its natural results, which make the eyebrows look more beautiful and thicker, which reflects the beauty of the face.
Women candidates for hair transplantation
- Cases of hereditary hair loss
- Cases of hair loss resulting from chemotherapy for cancer.
- Cases of hair loss resulting from skin infections such as psoriasis.
- Cases of hair loss due to anxiety or depression.
- Cases of hair loss resulting from hormonal changes in the body, such as after childbirth.
Important instructions before hair transplantation:
Important instructions after hair transplantation:
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- Ensure that the scalp is healthy and that there are no infections or health problems.
- Do not use chemical products on the hair before the procedure
- Inform your doctor before the procedure about any medications you are using.
- Abstain from smoking, alcohol, and stimulants.
- Inform the doctor of any chronic diseases.
- Stop taking blood clotting medications 10 days before the operation.
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- Keep the scalp clean and dry and do not wash it until after the period specified by the doctor.
- Use products prescribed by the doctor, such as special shampoo.
- Take prescribed medications and adhere to them.
- Avoid touching or scratching the transplant area.
- Avoid strenuous activities for two weeks after the procedure.
- Avoid direct exposure to the sun or extreme heat for two months after the procedure.
- Avoid swimming in pools or public places for a week.
- Avoid alcohol and smoking for two weeks.
- Avoid sleeping on the affected side of the scalp in the first weeks.
- Avoid using a comb or putting any pressure on the area.
تعليمات مهمة قبل عملية زراعة الشعر:
- التأكد من صحة فروة الرأس وعدم وجود التهابات أو مشاكل صحية.
- عدم استخدام منتجات كيميائية على الشعر قبل العملية
- إبلاغ الطبيب قبل العملية عن أي أدوية تستخدمها.
- الامتناع عن التدخين، الكحوليات، والمنبهات.
- إبلاغ الطبيب بوجود أي أمراض مزمنة.
- إيقاف تناول أدوية تجلط الدم قبل العملية ب 10 أيام.
تعليمات مهمة بعد عملية زراعة الشعر:
- الحفاظ على نظافة وجفاف فروة الرأس وعدم غسلها إلا بعد المدة التي حددها الطبيب.
- استخدام المستحضرات الموصوفة من قبل الطبيب مثل الشامبو الخاص.
- تناول الأدوية الموصوفة والالتزام بها.
- تجنب لمس منطقة الزراعة أو حكها.
- تجنب الأنشطة الشاقة لمدة أسبوعين بعد العملية.
- تجنب التعرض المباشر للشمس أو الحرار الشديدة لمدة شهرين بعد العملية.
- تجنب السباحة في المسابح أو الأماكن العامة لمدة أسبوع.
- تجنب الكحول والتدخين لمدة أسبوعين.
- تجنب النوم على الجانب المتضرر من فروة الرأس في الأسابيع الأولى.
- تجنب استخدام المشط أو الضغط على المنطقة بأي شكل.
Important instructions before hair transplantation:
- Ensure that the scalp is healthy and that there are no infections or health problems.
- Do not use chemical products on the hair before the procedure
- Inform your doctor before the procedure about any medications you are using.
- Abstain from smoking, alcohol, and stimulants.
- Inform the doctor of any chronic diseases.
- Stop taking blood clotting medications 10 days before the operation.
Important instructions after hair transplantation:
- Keep the scalp clean and dry and do not wash it until after the period specified by the doctor.
- Use products prescribed by the doctor, such as special shampoo.
- Take prescribed medications and adhere to them.
- Avoid touching or scratching the transplant area.
- Avoid strenuous activities for two weeks after the procedure.
- Avoid direct exposure to the sun or extreme heat for two months after the procedure.
- Avoid swimming in pools or public places for a week.
- Avoid alcohol and smoking for two weeks.
- Avoid sleeping on the affected side of the scalp in the first weeks.
- Avoid using a comb or putting any pressure on the area.
Why choose
Bir X Medical
Bir X Medical offers you the best hair transplant results with the highest levels of quality and competitive prices. This is due to the presence of a specialized and qualified medical staff in this field that gives you sufficient time for consultation, treatment, and continuous follow-up.
Contact us for an initial evaluation of your case, and for a free consultation.
We are here to help you get the perfect medical tourism experience in Istanbul.